Meeting the needs of children with Special Educational Needs
Our job in school is to help your child achieve the very best they can whilst they are at with us. Together with your support and engagement we work as a team and everyone in the team must work well together to focus upon enabling children to achieve their full potential. At New York our pupils 'Come as they are and leave at their best'.
You know your child best and you may feel that they need some additional help or support for some or all of their time at school - we are here to ensure that we work with you to access additional support where required.
Our ‘SEN Information Report’ will inform you of the types of support offered and available for your child locally at New York Primary School. It will help you understand who can help and how this support can be accessed. We hope you find our ‘SEN information report’ a useful document.
We have also included a link to North Tyneside Council’s Local offer which can give you further information about agencies available to support children with SEND needs in North Tyneside.
This offer is accurate now, but services are regularly reviewed and could change. All information will be updated as soon as possible to reflect any new service offer. This service offer is intended to give you clear, accurate and accessible information.
In New York Primary School we have designated people to lead and support within certain aspects of inclusions.
Miss R Eiles (SENCO)
My job within school is to ensure the needs of all children are met, particularly those with special education needs and disabilities. I am here to support children, parents and staff; and ensure appropriate training and guidance is provided.
Mrs J Wilbraham (Pastoral Care)
As learning mentor my aim is to make sure children have a happy and safe time at school. During school hours I am available to all parents for support and guidance.
New York Primary School are a fully inclusive school who ensures that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally, physically and educationally.
All SEND provision is overseen and managed by the Headteacher and is co-ordinated by the SENCO. The Headteacher will monitor, review and evaluate all SEND provision on a regular basis throughout the year and report to the school governing body on how individual needs are being met and how SEND funding is being spent. Funding may for example be spent on additional services. All our children are treated as individuals and the class teacher, alongside other support staff, plan an appropriately differentiated curriculum for our children with additional needs to ensure high quality teaching and learning with effective support and resource. Clear SEND support plans are reviewed regularly, alongside children and parents.
A range of carefully tailored interventions are developed, reviewed and evaluated to ensure maximum progress and impact for our learners, Children’s attainment is continuously measured to assess how effective the intervention is. Key assessments and the use of teacher assessment ensure that children are on track to meet individual targets. Progress, targets and plans are regularly reviewed with the children and evaluated to inform next steps.
Parents are vital partners in the child’s journey through school and are invited to attend review meetings of their child’s progress through regular parent’s evenings and additional SEND support plan review meetings. Where the child has more complex needs parents are also invited to annual reviews which may involve other professionals. Parents are invited to request a meeting with the SENCO should concerns arise. Parents are encouraged to engage in supporting learning in different ways such as supporting their child with their differentiated homework, practising speech sounds or using resources provided by school to help their child.
The following School Policies, available on the website, reflecting the school’s commitment to inclusion.
Special Educational Needs Policy, Behaviour Policy, Safeguarding Policy, Accessibility Policy and single Equality Policy.
Main contacts and details
Mrs R Eiles – SENCO – 0191 8141788
Autism in schools project
As part of our work with the Autism in schools project our children made a video to try and explain Autism to others. We have added some other videos you may also find interesting and useful to watch.
Frequently asked questions from parents/carers
SEMH (Social, Emotional, Mental Health) Guidance
If my child has difficulties with social, emotional health or mental health.
This section includes all those pupils who experience short but significant periods of high anxiety, stress, distress or anger that affect their education. It also includes young people who have a range of longer-term recognised mental health conditions.
For both groups, issues can include:
- Forming and maintaining relationships
- Bereavement
- Attitudes to attainment
- Attendance
- Self-esteem
- Life outside school
All students at New York Primary can access:
- Quality First teaching with appropriate differentiation (including best SEND practice)
- Access to assessment for identification of significant needs
- Whole school Reward System
- Whole school policy for behaviour management
- Transition support into new classes and Key Stages
- Anti-bullying policy
- Dedicated and caring staff who value all students
Support for targeted groups may include:
- Lunchtime club for vulnerable pupils
- Transition support arrangements
- Intervention groups (Thrive/social skills/self-esteem/stress management).
- In-class support in some lessons.
Targeted individual support may include:
- 1:1 mentoring
- Outside agency input (eg. Educational Psychologist, CAMHS, ACC).
Who can I contact for further information?
- Mrs J Potter – SENCO
- Mrs J Shaw - Headteacher
- Miss R Eiles - SEND Team
- Jackie Wilbraham – Learning mentor