Food in School

School meals are provided by Hutchison's, an education specialist provider. Hutchison's uses seasonal produce, sourced regionally and locally to provide exciting, tasty and healthy meals for all pupils.
Our Kitchen Manager, Jane, has worked with our school for many years and produces great food from the quality produce Hutchison's provides.  All lunches are prepared on site using fresh ingredients. We are happy to discuss dietary requirements with you and have strict protocols for managing food options for pupils with allergies.
We operate a 3 week menu rota which provides parents with the opportunity to discuss and choose lunch choices with their child.  This can be found below.

The school meal payment system called Appetite: The system is simple and easy for parents/carers to use and it also allows you to pay via card and direct debit. If you choose to pay via direct debit, Appetite collects these payments on a monthly basis, in arrears.

A key option of this new service will be a pre-order system for your child’s school meal on the Appetite System.  Parents can pre order for a day, a week, a month or a term. The system will accept orders until 9am each day. This has many benefits:-

  • Children and parents can select the food they want to eat each day from the menu so children select what they like.
  • Parents know what their child has had to eat.
  • It reduces food wastage.

If you choose not to pre order food, your child will still get a school meal however there may be a limited choice from the menu that day.

School meals are free for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 through the Universal Free School Meal system.
Please see the school menu below and some information about our exciting school meal provider.
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3

Packed lunches

Please note that we are not able to keep packed lunches in refrigerated conditions.  Please do not send drinks in cans, glass bottles or other breakable containers. We are a healthy school and discourage fizzy/coloured drinks and sweets as part of a packed lunch.

The school cook can provide a grab bag for pupils who wish to have a healthy packed lunch. If your child forgets to bring a packed lunch we will endeavour to contact you. If we are unable to do so we will provide a school lunch and ask you to reimburse us later.

School Milk

Nursery and Reception children - are provided with free milk.  If your child does not want milk, please let the School Office know.

Year 1 to Year 6 children - if your child is entitled to free meals (not Universal Free Meals) then they are also eligible to have free milk.  Milk letters are sent out to parents each September. If your circumstances change and your child is no longer entitled to free milk, then you must inform the school office and then register to pay online as below.

If your child is not entitled to free meals and would like milk, you can register and pay online at and follow the on screen instructions.

Children have access to water at all times.  Fruit snacks are provided free of charge to Early years and KS1 pupils. KS2 pupils also access fruit snacks as school funds this for them. We also operate with a KS2 recipe bag scheme where pupils take home vegetables on a rota basis and cook something at home with the ingredients.