School Awards

We work extremely hard at New York Primary School to ensure that our children are provided with the best possible education. These are a few awards from external agencies that recognise our hard work.

Ofsted Outstanding

New York Primary School was graded outstanding by Ofsted for the second time in 2013 .

IQM Flagship School Award

The overarching aim of Flagship status is that an individual school which has achieved this status can now further its work in Inclusion through internal research activities.

IQM Inclusive School Award

IQM provides an evaluative framework which supports organisational self-assessment. With a strong theoretical and research base, the IQM Award provides a validation of current practice and a detailed report summarising the findings.

Autism in Schools Project

Our school is participating in a national project run by the NHS called Autism in Schools. This project aims to improve the outcomes of children and young people with special educational needs. Staff have signed up to a robust and exciting training schedule and nationally schools are working with parent carer forums in different ways to try to achieve this. 

Our school is working closely with North Tyneside Parent Carer Forum to establish a peer-to-peer network within school. This is an opportunity for parents of children with special educational needs to share experiences, offer support and develop a voice to make positive changes for their children. We regularly host coffee mornings in school so please look out for flyers telling you when the next one will take place. 

School Games Platinum Award

The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.


OPAL - Platinum

At New York we we create happy and exciting playtimes, better play spaces and enable staff to support outdoor learning.
It's much more fun and there’s loads to do’ “I've got new friends and I can go anywhere’I love playing in the sand it's just like the beach

Primary Science Quality Mark - Outreach Award

Primary Science Quality Mark is not like other quality marks. “In September 2021 we were thrilled to be awarded the highest PSQM award, PSQM Outreach, which demonstrates the high quality teaching and learning of science that goes on in New York Primary School.

Music Mark

Music Mark is awarded to schools who show commitment to providing high-quality, music education for all children which addresses diversity, equity and inclusion at its core. It recognises the work that we do both in school and in the wider community.


North East Creative Collaborative Network

New York Primary School is working in partnership with Creativity, Culture and Education on a three year programme teaching for creativity across the curriculum.  We have a strong culture and ethos of creative learning and are committed to supporting all our pupils to reach their potential as creative, capable learners.


Heritage School Status

In 2018, we were awarded Heritage School status for our work with Historic England. We undertook a local study, investigating the history of the Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade and it’s impact on our local area.



New York Primary School are proud to use Thrive which is a therapeutic approach to help support children with their emotional and social development.

Eco-School - Green Flag Award

New York Primary School believes that children should be encouraged to look after their future.  Our Eco-Schools programme provides a unique opportunity that empowers our pupils to lead change within our school and have a positive impact on the wider community. The programme encourages pupils of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness.  We are proud to be awarded our Green Flag Status

Healthy Schools

At New York Primary School we understand the fundamental prerequisites of being 'ready to learn' and reaching potential; we do this by making sure our pupils are safe, physically and emotionally healthy and adhere to the principles of Healthy Schools.

Communication Friendly

New York Primary School encourages an environment that promotes speaking and listening skills, emotional well-being and clear communications.

FA - Charter Standard School

Working alongside local clubs, coaches and local facilities we use our sports premium to raise the standards of our grassroots football.


At New York Primary School, we understand the importance of teaching outstanding lessons. Our school has been accredited as a Lead Support School for the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics.