Newsletter: Spring Term 1

Message from Mrs Shaw

This is the term where we return in January, with continued cold, dark mornings and damp, dark tea-times and I stand in assembly and talk to pupils about the Spring term.

The 4 seasons of the year compared with the 3 terms of school always creates much discussion among our children. We have been talking about new beginnings and learning some new assembly songs about changes in seasons and the shoots of growth. We have looked at Spring plants to look out for and I have been shown lots of photos of snowdrops that pupils have spotted out and about in recent weeks.

There are some on the path outside school. Look out for crocuses and daffodils next. This has been a busy half term with class assemblies, lots of visitors into school and lots of visits to places of interest. Everything that staff plan for your children connects to their learning across the curriculum.

Our Bikes4Health groups are now covering 21 miles in a session and riding further afield to local places of interest. Our EYES pupils have been regular visitors to the woodland area and were excited to tell me about their hunt for wiggly worms as they carried their wellies through school so the floor “doesn’t get mucky!”.

Our 100% attendance pupils are wearing their green badges with pride and I am looking forward to awarding lots of yellow badges for the 100% attenders in Spring term. We return to school on Monday 27th February. Please fill a carrier bag with food from reception before we break up.
