Our Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

At New York Primary School we have designed a curriculum that considers the context of our pupils, their background, life experiences, opportunities and culture. We want a curriculum that provides depth of learning and understanding for every pupil in every subject. We want our pupils to be ready to meet the challenges of each next stage in their education and their lives.

As such the New York curriculum is planned and designed to offer pupils a wide range of experiences to ensure that every pupil receives a rich and full creative curriculum education including both academic and personal development. The range of learning experiences we offer supports and complements our culture and includes academic and SMSC activities. We want our pupils to be proud of their heritage, proud of their British Values and proud of the diverse society in which we live.

We aim that our bespoke curriculum provides the opportunity to increase pupil skill, confidence and self belief with a rich knowledge that encourages inquisitiveness, aspirations and dreams.
