Physical Education
At New York, we provide a progressive PE plan throughout each year so our pupils experience a range of activities that help them to recognise and develop their health, fitness, wellbeing and physical literacy.
Physical Education at New York Primary School sets the highest expectations of all pupils. We are dedicated to providing an inclusive high quality P.E. programme and our competitive sport programme is deeply rooted in our school culture and ethos, promoting lifelong success and embedding our schools core values. It provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness.
Children will be able to experience a variety of different sports, some of which they would not otherwise experience like tri golf, fencing and archery.
Through different events and initiatives children will have exposure to athletes and national and international events that we learn about and focus upon as a whole school. Linking to our whole school approach to careers and aspirations; children will see how physical education can lead to a career in sport and health.
Our focus on physical education ensures that children receive two hours of high quality PE per week taught by teaching staff and qualified sports instructors. New York pupils have access to extensive out of hours learning opportunities.
All pupils in KS2 have the opportunity to develop leadership skills within lessons and towards the whole school fitness approach. The curriculum is further enhanced by participation in numerous sporting tournaments with other schools in the area and after school clubs. P.E. links to the wider curriculum in order to enhance learning for all participants and as an Active School, we aim to ensure that the children participate in active lessons outside of their regular PE lessons. This involves incorporating moments within lessons where the children can be active and a daily mile throughout the whole school.
We aim for all pupils to live active lifestyles, therefore where possible we signpost our pupils to activities and clubs outside of school. In celebration assemblies and on display boards in all classes, we celebrate pupils’ extra curricular sporting achievements
Sports Leaders' Programme
At New York Primary School we are very proud of our Sports’ Leaders’ Programme which has been established to encourage our young people to take on additional responsibilities and develop their leadership skills.
All Year 5 and 6 children are invited to become Sports’ Leaders and those who would like to participate are asked to complete an application, indicating why they want to be a Sports’ Leader and what makes them the perfect candidate, demonstrating our PROUD words, confidence and interest in sports.
Our Sports’ Leaders are an important asset to our school, supporting active sessions during lunchtime to engage children with a wide variety of sports, activities and games and playing a key role in creating a fun, friendly, healthy and safe playground environment. Our Sports’ Leaders receive training and have the opportunity to develop their planning, organisation, team working, coaching, communication and evaluation skills, as well as increasing their confidence, self-esteem and knowledge of a wide range of sports and activities.
Through their role, sports leaders are promoting healthy, active lifestyles and developing key social skills through cross-school engagement and co-operation.