Welcome Back Letter

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope this letter finds you and your families safe and well having enjoyed the summer break.
I am sure that you have continued to follow all things COVID related including government guidance and
advice for pupils returning to school.

When I wrote to you on 15th July there was the expectation that all pupils should return to school on 2nd
September 2020. Whilst there have been changes over the last 6 weeks, this is not one of them and we look
forward to welcoming all our New York pupils next Wednesday, 2nd September 2020.

  • Returning to school is vital for children’s education and wellbeing.
    (Guidance for full opening of schools, GOV.UK – 7/8/20)
  • Whilst it is not possible to ensure a totally risk free environment the risk to children becoming severely ill from coronavirus is very low.
    (Guidance for full opening of schools, GOV.UK – 7/8/20)

The information that follows provides parents and carers with the control measures, protocols and actions that
we are taking in school to minimise the risk of transmission of coronavirus in school. These protocols and
procedures have been put in place using guidance from the Department for Education, Public Health England,
North Tyneside Health and Safety Executive and Union bodies. We have also used our experience of
welcoming pupils back to school from 1st June 2020 to establish what worked well to maximise pupil and staff
safety prior to the summer break.

Welcome back letter September 2020