Summer 1 Newsletter

Message from Mrs Shaw

Although this has been a shorter half term we have been delighted to begin Summer Term feeling as though much is back to normal. We have been pleased to welcome parents into consultation afternoons and evenings and we were thrilled with the excellent response to our pupil Book Look (last term). Little gives us greater pleasure in school than to observe our pupils chatting proudly to their family members about their work. Please look out for the Summer Book Look!

We are promoting our school Nursery as we still have available places for September. If you know anyone who is considering a Nursery place for their child we would be delighted to show them around. We have 2 super banners advertising our Nursery provision so look out for these appearing on the fence! We also have an attendance information banner displayed to promote the importance of attending school and the adverse impact on pupil learning and socialisation that missing school has on children.

Please note that Monday 6th June is a teacher training day and school will not open until Tuesday

Read the full newsletter here