Pupil premium strategy statement 2022/23

What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to diminish the difference between disadvantaged and non disadvantaged pupils.

To qualify for Pupil Premium a pupil must be in receipt of Free School Meals, be a Looked After Child (LAC), or a Services Child.

Pupil premium strategy statement

This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2022 to 2023 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.

It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year 22/23, and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school.

School overview

School nameNew York Primary School
Number of pupils in school382
338 (R – Y6)
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils143 pupils 44%
Academic year/years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers2021 - 2022
2022 - 2023
2023 - 2024
Date this statement was published31.12.2022
Date on which it will be reviewedJuly 2023
Statement authorised byJ M Shaw Headteacher
Pupil premium leadR Blakey Assistant Headteacher
Governor / Trustee leadMrs Jo Lyons (Chair of Governors)

Funding overview

Pupil premium funding allocation this academic year£184,161
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year£7,105
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable)£0
Total budget for this academic year£191 266

Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan: Statement of intent

New York Primary School vision for all pupils is to , ‘Come as you are and Leave at Your Best’. Deprivation is never an excuse for low attainment and we will ensure that pupil premium strategy supports disadvantaged pupils and enables them to aspire and achieve - promoting social mobility.

As research determines disadvantaged pupils have been worst affected by the impact of the COVID pandemic, our pupil premium strategy is designed to diminish attainment difference between our disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged peers. This is not new and has always been our aim.

We appreciate that how we target our pupil premium spending can benefit all pupils and not solely those in receipt of pupil premium funding. All pupils groups must be educated with opportunities and experiences to facilitate achievement of full potential.

We do this by early identification and timely consistent implementation of the following key principles

  • Quality First, adaptive teaching at the heart of this strategy to provide challenge and improve outcomes for our pupils.
  • School led interventions and tuition which focus upon the identified gaps between disadvantaged pupils and their non-disadvantaged peers (nationally) and gaps caused due to the follow on impact of disrupted education during the previous COVID pandemic.
  • Phonic knowledge and fluency using recognised scheme (RWInc) across EYFS, KS1 and where necessary lower KS2 including Fast Track Fresh Start for upper KS2.
  • Basic Skills interventions to provide a solid foundation upon which to build and secure future learning in Maths and English.
  • The teaching of reading including existing successful reading programmes (Reading Plus and Accelerated Reader) extended to lower KS2 and used as a complement to the teaching of reading and reading across the curriculum.
  • Full time Learning Mentor to build positive and trusting relationships with families promoting a positive attitude towards school and the value of education
  • Attendance monitoring and action to ensure that all pupils access school and are on time so that no learning is lost. (Learning Mentor and all teaching staff).
  • Strong relationships with Local Authority Attendance team in line with new government guidelines Working Together to Improve Attendance (September 2022).
  • Provide funding to secure opportunities for disadvantaged pupils to access a wide variety of experiences across the curriculum including sport, the Arts, cultural visits and visitors including residential visits.
  • Funded Breakfast Clubs and After School Clubs to enable a positive start to the day and opportunity to undertake a variety of different experiences developing talent and interest.
  • To ensure we monitor the different categories of pupil premium pupils (SEND, EAL, SEMH) to make certain that all pupils progress.

Challenges This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.

Challenge numberDetail of challenge
New York Primary school is in an area of significant deprivation with more than half of our pupils living in the 20% most deprived families nationally. A significant number of pupils have complex and challenging home lives with the involvement of additional services to support family functioning. It is a priority that our pupils are ready to learn and that we work hard to support pupil mental health to ensure that it is not a barrier to pupil learning and development. School plays a very strong social care role and relationships between adults in school and pupils are pivotal to ensure pupils are happy, feel safe in school and can maintain school standards. We do not have a specific school target for pupil wellbeing as it is one of the threads that runs through all we do in school.
2Attendance and punctuality
Pupils need to be in school and on time to maximise access to learning. We have a number of persistent absence families all of whom have the support of additional services and are in receipt of Pupil premium. We work very closely with families to support school attendance and punctuality. We communicate with pupils and families to ensure that all are clear of the importance of attending school and being on time and that this is a life skill. UCL Institute of Education research evidences that one day of absence can result in a reduction in potential achievement of 0.4% and this is likely to be higher in a pupil in receipt of pupil premium. We display a large banner outside school as a daily reminder of the cost to learning of pupil absence. We have amended and extended the time of our school day which has improved punctuality.
3Language and Phonics
Communication is the foundation for pupil development and early language development provides the building blocks for reading, educational progress and life success, (National Literacy Trust). In areas of significant deprivation as many as 60% of pupils start school with language delay. This has been further impacted due to the COVID pandemic with Early Years pupils missing opportunities to communicate with peers and teachers. We are addressing the impact further up school as pupils in KS1 have language and communication gaps due to lost learning in EYFS. There are implications for phonics, the teaching of which needs to be extended across school and into KS2. This has implications for capacity of staffing.Our S&L referrals have increased this year and we identify lack of socialisation during COVID as a reason for this increase
4Curriculum and Reading
New York Primary School remained open, for key worker and vulnerable pupils during lockdowns and had an excellent remote learning offer, yet there is no doubt that the loss of ‘in school’ teaching for pupils has had a detrimental impact upon the pace of progress.We are continuing to play catch up with pupil learning. It is essential that
assessment identifies the areas where pupils must make accelerated progress to maintain the pace of progress and levels of attainment that we consistently achieved prior to the pandemic. We must ensure that there is a programme of intervention that supports this. Many of our pupils already lacked wider experiences and opportunities that support learning and cultural capital. Lockdown further restricted this by preventing schools from providing it. We aim to make up for this by providing a plethora of relevant, quality experiences which will have a positive impact upon pupil development of vocabulary, particularly in EYFS where Speech and Language support has increased. Wider experiences support learning across the curriculum as pupil understanding can be underpinned by enrichment opportunities and real life experiences and context.
5Basic Skills
It is essential that the basics across English and Maths are embedded into pupil long term memory. In some areas of school there is a lack of secure knowledge in basic skills as a result of prior lost learning. We recognise that basics are the foundations of underpinning future learning. We will address these gaps. Phonics, reading and vocabulary and times tables, number and place value must be securely embedded into long term memory using metacognitive teaching and intervention strategies.

Intended outcomes

This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan, and how we will measure whether they have been achieved.

Intended outcomeSuccess criteria
To strengthen pupil SMEH to ensure that it is not a barrier to learning. Continue to work with families to promote the importance of education.Pupil voice (survey) results

Parent voice (survey) results

Enrichment experiences - visits, visitors and projects across all curriculum subjects with impact

Opportunities to offer parental involvement and engagement with a strong take up from parents

Thrive continued implementation and impact

Increase Thrive trainers in school and monitor impact

Partner School for the Education Mental Health Team with monitored impact

Learning Mentor and DSL team continued work in supporting pupils and families.

Case study evidence of pupil progression

Deep Dive discussion results with pupils and staff

IQM Flagship reaccreditation

Poverty Proofing report and actions implemented.

Specific areas of curriculum reference including RSE.

OPAL successful reaccreditation

Increased attainment and progress

Increased attendance and improved punctuality for target pupils.

HIVE team allocated professional in school

(health, information, virtual school and emotional well being)
Improve Attendance and significantly reduce instances of lateness.Attendance % in line with national average

Absence rates to reduce year on year

Attendance gap to reduce year on year.

Eliminate persistent absence by reducing year on year

Routine letters for lost learning - monitor and meet parents to engage in school standards - less of these to be sent out each term.

Changes to school time to support the improvement in punctuality

Monitor and close the gap between pupil protected characteristics categories in both attendance and punctuality

Learning Mentor working with families and promote the life skill of attendance and punctuality.

Working within the Guidance of Working Together to Improve School Attendance 2022

Changes to whole school attendance reward system implemented and working effectively

Use of FFT Aspire attendance product to more closely monitor.

Continuing the Accountability for All ethos with all staff involved in promoting punctuality and attendance.

Attendance Assembly rewarding and reminding pupils of the attendance message.
Language and Phonics - improve to ensure that pupils work at ARE and there is minimal gap between disadvantaged and non-national. This gap to be removed over the 3 year period.RWInc scheme implemented across school with new methodology and updated CPD for all teaching staff.

Additional RWInc resources purchased and additional staff trained

Baseline and ongoing RWInc assessment to inform interventions and targeted QFT

Fluidity of group movement - evidencing progress

Time to Talk EYFS to improve oracy and language

Fast Track Fresh Start for KS2 pupils.

Work scrutiny and pupil voice to triangulate evidence of attainment and progress.

Monitoring of T&L and prompt intervention

Targeted interventions have impact upon pupil progress.

Timely SALT referrals

CPD for staff to ensure quality up to date teaching, learning and intervention.

Phonic data in line with national (Yr 1)

EYFS data in line with national

KS1 statutory data in line with national (or above)

AfL is applied to identify where support needed

Pupils make good progress.
Events in school to support parents in understanding SSP in order to support their child.
Curriculum is underpinned by reading and all pupils can read and access age related appropriate texts. Improve attainment and progress.QFT of reading to close gaps and facilitate accelerated progress.

Evidence of the power of reading in ensuring progress across other curriculum areas.

Termly assessment and monitoring and scrutiny to establish strategies have impact in identifying progress, next steps and required intervention.

Additional reading programmes extended to earlier year groups. (AR and Reading Plus)

Reciprocal reading implemented across KS2

Targeted interventions impact upon pupil progress and development

Inclusion team involvement in identifying pupils for additional support and monitoring progress.

Acquisition of new and appropriate texts

Full time qualified teacher to provide timely interventions.

High profile of reading across school so pupils see the importance of being a reader.

Various opportunities for children to read and perform, demonstrating strong oracy and reading skills.

Parental engagement opportunities to promote supporting reading in children.

EYFS reading data in line with national

KS1 reading data in line with national

KS2 reading to continue to exceed national (none) and gaps to be significantly reduced.
To close the ARE gap in basic skills across English and Maths and ensure securely embedded into long term memory.Baseline assessments to establish gaps as a focus to reduce

Interventions designed for specific groups of pupils to close gaps and strengthen knowledge - dedicated teacher for interventions

Ongoing CPD for staff in metacognition and self regulation to ensure recall to support future learning.

Timely monitoring of groups of pupils to measure the disadvantaged gap and close it.

Opportunities for enrichment to allow pupils to apply their learning within context.

Maths and English outcomes across phases to meet or exceed national

Maths and English outcomes to show no differential between PP and none-national.

GPaS to be in line with or exceed national and the PP gap to significantly diminish.

Evidence in pupil books and discussions with pupils.

Activity in this academic year

This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.

Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)

Budgeted cost: £ 92,000

Intended outcomeSuccess criteria
To strengthen pupil SMEH to ensure that it is not a barrier to learning. Continue to work with families to promote the importance of education.Pupil voice (survey) results

Parent voice (survey) results

Enrichment experiences - visits, visitors and projects across all curriculum subjects with impact

Opportunities to offer parental involvement and engagement with a strong take up from parents

Thrive continued implementation and impact

Increase Thrive trainers in school and monitor impact

Partner School for the Education Mental Health Team with monitored impact

Learning Mentor and DSL team continued work in supporting pupils and families.

Case study evidence of pupil progression

Deep Dive discussion results with pupils and staff

IQM Flagship reaccreditation

Poverty Proofing report and actions implemented.

Specific areas of curriculum reference including RSE.

OPAL successful reaccreditation

Increased attainment and progress

Increased attendance and improved punctuality for target pupils.

HIVE team allocated professional in school

(health, information, virtual school and emotional well being)
Improve Attendance and significantly reduce instances of lateness.Attendance % in line with national average

Absence rates to reduce year on year

Attendance gap to reduce year on year.

Eliminate persistent absence by reducing year on year

Routine letters for lost learning - monitor and meet parents to engage in school standards - less of these to be sent out each term.

Changes to school time to support the improvement in punctuality

Monitor and close the gap between pupil protected characteristics categories in both attendance and punctuality

Learning Mentor working with families and promote the life skill of attendance and punctuality.

Working within the Guidance of Working Together to Improve School Attendance 2022

Changes to whole school attendance reward system implemented and working effectively

Use of FFT Aspire attendance product to more closely monitor.

Continuing the Accountability for All ethos with all staff involved in promoting punctuality and attendance.

Attendance Assembly rewarding and reminding pupils of the attendance message.
Language and Phonics - improve to ensure that pupils work at ARE and there is minimal gap between disadvantaged and non-national. This gap to be removed over the 3 year period.RWInc scheme implemented across school with new methodology and updated CPD for all teaching staff.

Additional RWInc resources purchased and additional staff trained

Baseline and ongoing RWInc assessment to inform interventions and targeted QFT

Fluidity of group movement - evidencing progress

Time to Talk EYFS to improve oracy and language

Fast Track Fresh Start for KS2 pupils.

Work scrutiny and pupil voice to triangulate evidence of attainment and progress.

Monitoring of T&L and prompt intervention

Targeted interventions have impact upon pupil progress.

Timely SALT referrals

CPD for staff to ensure quality up to date teaching, learning and intervention.

Phonic data in line with national (Yr 1)

EYFS data in line with national

KS1 statutory data in line with national (or above)

AfL is applied to identify where support needed

Pupils make good progress.
Events in school to support parents in understanding SSP in order to support their child.
Curriculum is underpinned by reading and all pupils can read and access age related appropriate texts. Improve attainment and progress.QFT of reading to close gaps and facilitate accelerated progress.

Evidence of the power of reading in ensuring progress across other curriculum areas.

Termly assessment and monitoring and scrutiny to establish strategies have impact in identifying progress, next steps and required intervention.

Additional reading programmes extended to earlier year groups. (AR and Reading Plus)

Reciprocal reading implemented across KS2

Targeted interventions impact upon pupil progress and development

Inclusion team involvement in identifying pupils for additional support and monitoring progress.

Acquisition of new and appropriate texts

Full time qualified teacher to provide timely interventions.

High profile of reading across school so pupils see the importance of being a reader.

Various opportunities for children to read and perform, demonstrating strong oracy and reading skills.

Parental engagement opportunities to promote supporting reading in children.

EYFS reading data in line with national

KS1 reading data in line with national

KS2 reading to continue to exceed national (none) and gaps to be significantly reduced.
To close the ARE gap in basic skills across English and Maths and ensure securely embedded into long term memory.Baseline assessments to establish gaps as a focus to reduce

Interventions designed for specific groups of pupils to close gaps and strengthen knowledge - dedicated teacher for interventions

Ongoing CPD for staff in metacognition and self regulation to ensure recall to support future learning.

Timely monitoring of groups of pupils to measure the disadvantaged gap and close it.

Opportunities for enrichment to allow pupils to apply their learning within context.

Maths and English outcomes across phases to meet or exceed national

Maths and English outcomes to show no differential between PP and none-national.

GPaS to be in line with or exceed national and the PP gap to significantly diminish.

Evidence in pupil books and discussions with pupils.
ActivityEvidence that supports this approachChallenge number(s) addressed
Employment of 2 additional teachers to support pupil learning to make accelerated progress to close lost learning gaps and ultimately close the disadvantage gap.

Retention of additional TAs across school to support accelerated progress

Additional experienced UKS2 intervention teacher from January 2023
Pupils entering Year 1 need additional support to meet year 1 expectations due to lost learning in EYFS. Evidence confirms that quality teaching is the best tool to improve pupil attainment. A dedicated and updated SSP phonic programme (RWINc) continues in school but we have implemented the new programme and its new resources including significant teacher CPD. KS1 are well resourced with experienced teachers and well deployed TAs including use of a dedicated intervention teacher for phonics. This supports accelerated progress. Year 2 pupils moving into Year 3 also need additional teaching intervention and access RWInc and Reading Plus. A dedicated intervention teacher has been appointed to deliver targeted teaching and learning to identified groups of pupils in lower and upper KS2.
Baseline and ongoing assessment ensures that progress is measured regularly and interventions targeted around assessed results.
National College and National online Safety Membership

Other virtual, reputable CPD
There is a norm following COVID of using virtual CPD. This is cost effective both with time and money. We continue with National College online CPD and signpost staff to webinars, online sessions and videos. Specific staff cascade their online CPD for school staff.
We also access various other CPD opportunities.
The cost of licences is included in the next section although the impact of the CPD on staff is referenced here.
Specific CPD - RWInc Whole school - Phonic lead and phonic team
-time out of class.
Face to Face CPD including a leadership day to strengthen the teaching of phonics and accelerate attainment and progress and underpin the development of reading. Additional new resources purchased in addition to extend the reading books matched to phonic ability for pupils.3,4,5
Phonics lead is a senior leader across school (Assistant Headteacher) and has dedicated time out of the classroom to monitor and focus upon phonic progress.
Assistant Headteacher and PP lead across school - release time

Subject leads across school given time out of class to monitor and focus upon their curriculum specialism to continuously improve and ensure progress.
To oversee the application of interventions by additional staff. Monitoring and evaluating progress and attainment and making adjustments as necessary. Striving to close the gap between disadvantaged and non disadvantaged peers.3,4,5

Targeted academic support (for example, tutoring, one-to-one support structured interventions)

Budgeted cost: £ 39,300

Intended outcomeSuccess criteria
To strengthen pupil SMEH to ensure that it is not a barrier to learning. Continue to work with families to promote the importance of education.Pupil voice (survey) results

Parent voice (survey) results

Enrichment experiences - visits, visitors and projects across all curriculum subjects with impact

Opportunities to offer parental involvement and engagement with a strong take up from parents

Thrive continued implementation and impact

Increase Thrive trainers in school and monitor impact

Partner School for the Education Mental Health Team with monitored impact

Learning Mentor and DSL team continued work in supporting pupils and families.

Case study evidence of pupil progression

Deep Dive discussion results with pupils and staff

IQM Flagship reaccreditation

Poverty Proofing report and actions implemented.

Specific areas of curriculum reference including RSE.

OPAL successful reaccreditation

Increased attainment and progress

Increased attendance and improved punctuality for target pupils.

HIVE team allocated professional in school

(health, information, virtual school and emotional well being)
Improve Attendance and significantly reduce instances of lateness.Attendance % in line with national average

Absence rates to reduce year on year

Attendance gap to reduce year on year.

Eliminate persistent absence by reducing year on year

Routine letters for lost learning - monitor and meet parents to engage in school standards - less of these to be sent out each term.

Changes to school time to support the improvement in punctuality

Monitor and close the gap between pupil protected characteristics categories in both attendance and punctuality

Learning Mentor working with families and promote the life skill of attendance and punctuality.

Working within the Guidance of Working Together to Improve School Attendance 2022

Changes to whole school attendance reward system implemented and working effectively

Use of FFT Aspire attendance product to more closely monitor.

Continuing the Accountability for All ethos with all staff involved in promoting punctuality and attendance.

Attendance Assembly rewarding and reminding pupils of the attendance message.
Language and Phonics - improve to ensure that pupils work at ARE and there is minimal gap between disadvantaged and non-national. This gap to be removed over the 3 year period.RWInc scheme implemented across school with new methodology and updated CPD for all teaching staff.

Additional RWInc resources purchased and additional staff trained

Baseline and ongoing RWInc assessment to inform interventions and targeted QFT

Fluidity of group movement - evidencing progress

Time to Talk EYFS to improve oracy and language

Fast Track Fresh Start for KS2 pupils.

Work scrutiny and pupil voice to triangulate evidence of attainment and progress.

Monitoring of T&L and prompt intervention

Targeted interventions have impact upon pupil progress.

Timely SALT referrals

CPD for staff to ensure quality up to date teaching, learning and intervention.

Phonic data in line with national (Yr 1)

EYFS data in line with national

KS1 statutory data in line with national (or above)

AfL is applied to identify where support needed

Pupils make good progress.
Events in school to support parents in understanding SSP in order to support their child.
Curriculum is underpinned by reading and all pupils can read and access age related appropriate texts. Improve attainment and progress.QFT of reading to close gaps and facilitate accelerated progress.

Evidence of the power of reading in ensuring progress across other curriculum areas.

Termly assessment and monitoring and scrutiny to establish strategies have impact in identifying progress, next steps and required intervention.

Additional reading programmes extended to earlier year groups. (AR and Reading Plus)

Reciprocal reading implemented across KS2

Targeted interventions impact upon pupil progress and development

Inclusion team involvement in identifying pupils for additional support and monitoring progress.

Acquisition of new and appropriate texts

Full time qualified teacher to provide timely interventions.

High profile of reading across school so pupils see the importance of being a reader.

Various opportunities for children to read and perform, demonstrating strong oracy and reading skills.

Parental engagement opportunities to promote supporting reading in children.

EYFS reading data in line with national

KS1 reading data in line with national

KS2 reading to continue to exceed national (none) and gaps to be significantly reduced.
To close the ARE gap in basic skills across English and Maths and ensure securely embedded into long term memory.Baseline assessments to establish gaps as a focus to reduce

Interventions designed for specific groups of pupils to close gaps and strengthen knowledge - dedicated teacher for interventions

Ongoing CPD for staff in metacognition and self regulation to ensure recall to support future learning.

Timely monitoring of groups of pupils to measure the disadvantaged gap and close it.

Opportunities for enrichment to allow pupils to apply their learning within context.

Maths and English outcomes across phases to meet or exceed national

Maths and English outcomes to show no differential between PP and none-national.

GPaS to be in line with or exceed national and the PP gap to significantly diminish.

Evidence in pupil books and discussions with pupils.
ActivityEvidence that supports this approachChallenge number(s) addressed
Additional interventionsStrong evidence base for phonics (RWINc)
CPD for all teaching staff and acquisition of new resources to support the teaching of phonics.
Targeted interventions delivered regularly suggests more effective.
https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/education-evidence/teaching-learning-toolkit/phonic s
Teaching phonics has a strong impact upon younger pupils as they start to read but must be supported by a rich literacy environment within a strong school reading strategy.
Hooks into books

Power of reading…to enhance the literacy environment and expose pupils (and teachers) to quality texts.

EYFS pupils from very low start points need regular small group interventions to accelerate progress. Interventions and staff release time to deliver. NELI, BLAST
https://evidenceforlearning.org.au/the-toolkits/the- teaching-and-learning-toolkit/all-approaches/early
1:1 and small group interventions with targeted supportA programme of small group and 1:1 interventions where evidence suggests smaller is better as it allows better quality feedback to pupils and improved sustained engagement from pupils1,2,3,4,5
within the group with 4-5 months additional progress over a year.
Regular monitoring and evaluation facilitates the opportunity to amend and redirect the interventions for maximum progress.
Power of Reading and Reciprocal reading.
Small group in class and intervention application.
Effective reading and reading comprehension are high impact for relatively low cost.

Licences to support staff CPD are included in costs in this section but the benefit of the CPD on teaching and learning is noted in the previous section.
Various licences to support pupil progress in basic skills across reading and maths,
Accelerated Reader (accuracy and comprehension)
An early EEF-funded efficacy trial of AR found pupils who received the programme made 3 months of additional progress in reading comprehension.

Reading Plus (speed and fluency)
Working together the above support the holistic progress of reading across KS2. This year we have extended Reading Plus to Year 3 pupils.
We have CPD for teaching staff to analyse and interpret progress in these products.
This is in addition to the Hooks into Books and Power of Reading subscriptions which benefit whole school and promote a love of books and reading for pleasure.

Sir Linkalot - whole staff CPD and application for improving spelling across school.

Maths interventions are supported with Doodle Maths and Mathletics and Rockstars
1, 2, 3,4,5
Primary Science Quality Mark: The ongoing high quality teaching of science within school.Science lead ensures that staff receive up to date CPD to enable consistent high quality teaching of science across school. Various projects are undertaken to enable pupils to become immersed in science and develop realistic aspirations and interests in careers in science.
Effective deployment of Teaching AssistantsAlthough research suggests that TA deployment has a limited impact upon pupil attainment for relatively high costs, at New York we believe that the contribution of our Teaching Assistants is high impact not only because of their skill in delivering intervention and providing in class and small group support but also due to the relationship building they do. This results in pupils feeling more confident and positive about coming to1,2,3,4,5
school and has an impact upon attendance and punctuality.

Wider strategies (for example, related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)

Budgeted cost: £ 60,000

ActivityEvidence that supports this approachChallenge number(s) addressed
Thrive interventions across school with trained staff delivering to individuals and small groups.Pupils identified with SMEH challenges know who to talk to and have the opportunity for specialist support in school. This has a positive impact upon attendance and their readiness for learning.
Additional staff are receiving training this year to extend the provision of support. Pupils are monitored to establish the impact of the programme. Behaviour across school is good with pupils clear about school vision and school standards.
https://www.thriveapproach.com/about-thrive/impac t-of-thrive/
1, 2, 2003
Inclusion - educational visits, visitors and project involvement.The inclusion manager is seconded 3 x days per week to the Local Authority School Improvement Team for Behaviour. Our pupils receive appropriate equitable support and opportunity by providing clear and current CPD for staff. Pupil premium funding is used to provide and subsidise opportunities for pupils including residential places for various outward bound events, theatre visits, music events and visitors into school. We also fund various projects linked to the curriculum and our local heritage, which all pupils can access and become involved in. Evidence suggests that the greater the experiences, the greater the extension of vocabulary.
OPAL - Outdoor Play and learningOngoing high standards for pupils to partake in various exciting and interesting outdoor activities requiring imagination, teamwork, collaboration etc. Pupils create and construct, design and discuss.
Additional resources for the KS1 yard. Outdoor classroom in woodland area to be constructed to promote outdoor learning Friendships are strengthened as pupils cooperate and try new
things. Mental Health and Wellbeing is impacted upon positively.
Learning Mentor and pastoral roles.Learning mentor in school is funded through PP. There is significant support for families and pupils with strong relationships having a positive impact upon pupil perception of school and staff.
Relationships strengthen and difficult messages are delivered. Learning Mentor works closely with the Leadership team and delivers CPD to staff.
The excellent behaviour in school is in part due to the consistency of positive management across school and the access that pupils in need have to the Learning Mentor in whom they trust.
This role is not invaluable only for vulnerable pupils but for all pupils.
Attendance and punctuality monitoring and action to improveThere are a number of robust protocols for monitoring and improving attendance and punctuality. The Learning Mentor is responsible for administering these on a daily basis with timely follow up including visiting families at home or making those alarm calls. Pupils need to be in school to access learning and beyond the reactive approach there is an important proactive approach by building positive and trusting relationships with families and working with them and other agencies where applicable to get pupils into school. There is direct correlation in school data between those children under attaining and missing school due to attendance and/or punctuality.
Whilst the protocols in place have impact there is still much to do in the wake of the pandemic.
-parents/absence-and-attendance/strategies-for-ma naging-attendance/research-into-how-attendance-c an-impact-attainment/
Safeguarding, CPOMS and working with other agencies.Use of CPOMS product to collate and analyse patterns within categories. This is a whole school approach providing a consistent recording of concerns/issues. All staff receive CPD. Management of safeguarding is improved whilst minimising workload for teachers. Links to third party agencies can be clearly identified with a strong chronology of historic information.1,2
Specialist provisions.Lack of opportunity to experience enrichment is a barrier to pupil learning and a barrier to extending vocabulary. Strong participation in ‘other’ curriculum subjects impacts positively upon the core subjects. We employ specialist Music Teachers across school including EYFS to promote sound, rhyme, composition and performance.
Pupils enjoy and develop well within these subjects
which have well planned curricular links to other topics.
Sports coaches (Sport Premium) attend school and are paid for from the Sport Premium grant. These include rugby, football, skipping, tennis and cricket coaching.
We work closely with NUSTEM who provide pupil and parent sessions afterschool to develop knowledge and skill in Science.
Breakfast Club ProvisionWe encourage pupils to attend breakfast club at
8.00. We employ sports coaches to attend Breakfast club as an incentive for pupils to come along. There is a suggested moderate weekly payment for those families who can pay (£3.00 per week per family) but we do not chase this fee. We subsidise the running of the club with some support from Greggs Foundation. This ensures that pupils are in school on time, well fed and are likely to have had some morning exercise. EEF evidence suggests that attending Breakfast Club can improve attainment by an additional 2 months.
We offer breakfast and snacks throughout the day to all our pupils.
Extra curricular after school provision.School offers additional after school clubs which have some link to the curriculum. These are available to all pupils who can choose from 2-3 clubs per week free of charge. These are run by teachers, Teaching Assistants and external paid coaches. Pupils grow in confidence and enjoy their chosen activity. Relationships are built and extended as we endeavour to mix teaching staff across phases so that pupils get to know different teachers in school.1,2,3,4
Provision for those who might otherwise go without.To instil a sense of pride and belonging at New York we purchase school uniforms and PE kits for those pupils who would not ordinarily access these easily. In addition we purchase birthday biscuits for pupils with a birthday, school resources, coats and warm clothing, swimming costumes and towels etc.
We pay for pupils to attend events and educational visits so that no pupil cannot access school activities and experiences. These would include theatre visits, museum visits, residentials and sporting events.

Total budgeted cost: £ 191,300

Part B: Review of outcomes in the previous academic year

Pupil premium strategy outcomes

This details the impact that our pupil premium activity had on pupils in the 2021 to 2022 academic year.

  • The PP gap for EYFS GLD is -14%, (54v68). Whilst this is a larger gap than 2019 (-4%) it is not as significant as was initial feared due to lost learning (COVID), and is higher that FSM nationally (50%)
  • Year 1 phonics at 63% is -16% below national non PP but in line with national PP phonics figures.

KS1 Data for PP

School PP56396133
National None PP72627258

KS2 Data for PP

School PP8271768271
National None PP7975787765

  • It can be clearly noted that the disadvantaged gap in KS2 is closing, evidencing progress from KS1. Reading exceeds national none with an average scaled score of 106.3. Maths also exceeds and the averaged scaled score is 103.8. Writing and GPaS are broadly in line with national none results and GPaS still have an average scaled score of >100.
  • Attendance data for 21/22 is 5.97% for OA...
  • Persistent absence for 21/22 is >18% due to COVID related absences.
  • Recruitment of teachers in both KS1 and KS2 within the National Tutoring Programme have supported interventions and progress. Gaps are closing in reading and many children in KS2 are reading at ARE.
  • For those identified as not yet at ARE, the gap is reduced and where is has not there is a referral to SEND with additional intervention to support



Externally provided programmes Renewed licenses for the external programmes below

Read Write IncRuth Miskin Training
Accelerated ReaderRenaissance
Reading PlusReading Solutions

Service pupil premium funding

How did you spend your service pupil premium allocation last academic year?Extra Curricular Clubs and Breakfast Club. Subsidisation of Outward Bound residential.
What was the impact of that spending on service pupil premium eligible pupils?These eligible pupils make good progress and are working at ARE. They are confident readers and oracy is strong.


Further information

This strategy will be reviewed.  It is not yet a 3 year strategy as we show prudence and wait to see the implications for schools in the light of new variant rises of Omicron in early 2022.  When school leaders feel we can confidently look further ahead we will reflect a longer period for this PP strategy.