Letter to Parents – 1st January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

Happy New Year.

As you will be aware pupils are due back to school on Wednesday 6th January 2021. You will also be aware that our area is now a Tier 4 COVID area (from 31st December 2020) with additional restrictions in place.

This has implications for school and whilst I currently intend to open for pupils on Wednesday 6th January I would urge you to keep looking at your emails from school so I can update you with any necessary changes before Wednesday. The main issue is whether or not we can keep school a safe place for our children and a safe working environment for staff. With the national uncertainty of best action to take in schools, rising rates of virus, including our own area, a new more easily transmitted strain of virus and lack of vaccine allocation for school staff – there is much to consider. You will also be aware that some primary schools in Tier 4 areas across the country are not opening next week yet the message from central government is not consistent for all Tier 4 areas.

The picture of schools is changing regularly and what I plan today may change tomorrow. What I can guarantee is that there will definitely be additional protocols in place from Wednesday 6th which I need all parents/carers to adhere to. These will be confirmed tomorrow, Monday 4th January 2020.

I will continue to communicate with you and we must remember the positive outcomes we had during the Autumn term with very little impact from COVID. I aim for this to continue but with the new strain of virus we must tighten our protocols further. This virus is spreading across communities and it is imperative that parents and carers ensure that all Tier 4 restrictions are adhered to in order to minimise the likelihood of transmission into school.

One thing that I must ensure is that any pupil returning to school on Wednesday 6th January, has not been in contact with anyone outside their household bubble since the Tier 4 restrictions were introduced on 31st December 2020 , in accordance with national rules.

Tier 4 restrictions include;

  • You must not meet socially with anyone you do not live with unless they are part of your support bubble.
  • You cannot be outside your house unless you have a reasonable excuse such as going to work, going to buy or collect food, going for medicine etc.
  • Stay 2 metres apart from people you do not live with
  • Wear a mask

Also pupils should not attend school if they are symptomatic or have been in contact with anyone else who is symptomatic or has tested positive or is awaiting test results. Failure to comply with this places pupils and adults in school at heightened risk.

All families were forwarded an updated Public Health poster before we broke up for Christmas. You can refer to this.

Please let school know of any pupil not returning on Wednesday 6th so that staff can allocate remote learning for your child.

Thank you I will be in touch.

Mrs J Shaw
