learning from home
Dear Parent/Carer
Should it be necessary for your child to be absent from school due to Covid-19 symptoms or isolation, or should school be instructed to close, we will provide access to learning for our pupils.
In order for teachers to provide home learning for your child we are requesting that you provide us with an accessible e-mail that class teachers can use to forward learning activities. The easiest way to do this would be for you to use your e-mail account to send an e-mail to the relevant class teacher. This would ensure that teachers have the correct e-mail address to use.
The e-mail addresses are listed as follows. Please note you need only e-mail your child’s class teacher. In the subject line please record your child’s name and class teacher initials.
Class | E-mail address to send to | Teacher initials |
Year 6 Mrs Blakey | nypsyr6a@newyorkprimaryschool.org | RB |
Year 6 Miss Gladstone | nypsyr6b@newyorkprimaryschool.org | JG |
Year 5 Mrs Bourne.Davidson | nypsyr5a@newyorkprimaryschool.org | JB/ED |
Year 5 Mrs Middleton | nypsyr5b@newyorkprimaryschool.org | JM |
Year 4 Miss Drake | nypsyr4a@newyorkprimaryschool.org | BD |
Year 3 Mr Lisle | nypsyr3a@newyorkprimaryschool.org | GL |
Year 3 Mr Atkinson | nypsyr3b@newyorkprimaryschool.org | DA |
Year 2 Mrs Smith | nypsyr2a@newyorkprimaryschool.org | LS |
Year 2 Mrs Prince | nypsyr2b@newyorkprimaryschool.org | AP |
Year 1 Miss Burn | nypsyr1a@newyorkprimaryschool.org | RB |
Year 1 Miss Keay | nypsyr1b@newyorkprimaryschool.org | BK |
Reception Miss Hollywood | nypsrec1@newyorkprimaryschool.org | SH |
Reception Miss Eiles | nypsrec2@newyorkprimaryschool.org | RE |
Nursery Mrs Cole | nypsnursery@newyorkprimaryschool.org | NC |
30 Hour Miss Baxter | nyps30hr@newyorkprimaryschool.org | CB |
2 Year Offer Miss Swan | nyps2yo@newyorkprimaryschool.org | ES |
For example: Jonny Smith Year 3 GL
Each class teacher has a set of learning resources and activities for pupils. These range from on-line access to licenced products that your child will be familiar with as we use them in school, to hardcopy activities and reading materials. Each pupil will be given an exercise book in which to record their learning from home.
These are challenging and uncertain times for us all. Staff at New York are dedicated to providing learning opportunities at home to support your children to remain calm, occupied and engaged.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs J Shaw