Key Worker parents and vulnerable pupils

Dear Parent/Carer

Re: Key Worker parents and vulnerable pupils

In light of the government announcement this morning, clarifying those pupils who may be able to attend school after today, I have attended a briefing this morning and would like to clarify the situation.

Firstly I must stress that we are in a national emergency and school closures have been put in place to prevent the spread of this COVID-19 virus. Whether or not you are classed as a key worker and whether or not your child has an EHCP, your first priority as a parent or carer must be to keep your child at home.

The fewer children that come into school over the next couple of weeks, the lower the risk of the virus spreading and infecting pupils, staff and vulnerable members of our community.

School is not opening for childcare provision it is opening for emergency provision to support critical key workers to the COVID-19 response. If you are a key worker or your child is a vulnerable child, your responsibility is to try to arrange care for them to remain at home as this is the safest place. Only if you are unable to do this, then contact school to discuss options.

I am requesting confirmation from employers of your key worker status and would advise you to provide this evidence as soon as possible.

We are trying to provide a service as requested by government to delay the spread of COVID-19. I would draw your attention to the government guidance issued today which clearly states;

‘If it is at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be.’

Thank you for your co-operation at this challenging time.

Mrs J Shaw
