
Technology is moving faster than ever before. Many careers that children aspire to today didn’t even exist ten years ago and as technology advances, more and more previously unknown careers will begin to emerge.

At New York Primary School, we are conscious therefore that skills in Computing have never been more important than they are right now. We aim to provide our children with transferrable skills that will prepare them for the future in the digital world.

Children begin to access opportunities in Computing from when they first enter our school in EYFS. We therefore develop confidence in the use of computers and ICT from an early age. Our Computing curriculum has been carefully developed to ensure that children continue to develop new skills and to be challenged as they progress through school.

Pupils learn how computers and computer systems work, they solve problems, design and build programs and develop ideas using different technology. Pupils apply and manipulate various software including Scratch, Purple Mash and Micro:bits.

In addition to our comprehensive curriculum, children are also able to access other exciting Computing opportunities throughout the academic year. Children participate in computing workshops during our annual STEM week and have the opportunity to join an after school Coding Club during our Spring and Summer terms. We participate annually in both the Junior Lego League and the First Lego League tournaments and were delighted to receive the Judge’s Choice award in our first competition in the 2019/20 academic year and again in 2022.

Online Safety is a vital part of our curriculum and is revisited at regular intervals throughout the year. Staff, pupils and parents have the opportunity to receive annual training on how to stay safe online and parents are also frequently given advice through fliers and via our Twitter
feed. We celebrate Safer Internet Day every February and there is an expectation that all pupils and parents will follow the school’s Online Safety policy.

Curriculum Overview


Mind Node
