Curriculum Overview for Year 1
In the Woods
London’s Burning! Spring
Flat Stanley
Castles Summer
The Seaside
Grace Darling
English Little Red Riding Hood
Features of a warning tale
Labels and captions
Descriptive language
Questioning and hot seating
Revolting rhymes - poetry Flat Stanley
Descriptive language
Fact file
Elephant dance – poetry The Lighthouse keeper’s lunch
Features of a losing tale
Post cards
Diary entry
Poetry –The Sea (John Foster)
English Toby and the Great Fire of London
Features of a journey tale
Descriptive language
Poetry – onomatopoeia, shape poem – flame
Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics. Sword in the Stone
Features of a rags to riches tale
Non-chronological report- castle fact file
Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics. The Storm Whale
Features of a meeting tale
Newspaper report
Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
Mathematics Place Value (within 10)
Addition and subtraction
Place Value (within 20)
Measurement: Time Addition and subtraction (Within 20)
Place Value (Within 50)
Multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Measurement: Length and Heights
Measurement: Weight and Volume
Measurement: Money
Weekly mental maths tests Multiplication and division (reinforce multiples of 2, 5 and 10to be included)
Number: Fractions
Geometry: Position and direction
Measurement: money
Measurement: Time
Weekly mental maths tests
Science Animals including humans- labelling parts of the human body, exploring the five senses (performing simple tests). Animals and habitats- identifying and classifying. Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Structure of common animals. Link to animals around the world. Plants- identifying parts of a plant, types of plants and growing (gathering and recording data to help answer questions).
Science Materials- types, sorting, properties, grouping and applying materials -twisting and bending.
Seasonal changes Working scientifically
Observe changes
Ask simple questions
Seasonal changes Scientific enquiry and investigation- problem solving (STEM investigations)
Asking/answering questions.
Seasonal changes
History Stuarts
To explore events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally - The Great Fire of London. Medieval
Lives of significant individuals – William the Conqueror
Events beyond living memory – Medieval times Victorian Era
Lives of significant individuals- Grace Darling.
Local study- historical events, people and places- SS Stanley.
Geography Locational knowledge
Geographical skills and fieldwork
Map work
Local area- school grounds
Countries and major cities Physical and human geography
Map work – maps, atlases and compass
Vocabulary of physical features. Place knowledge
Compare an EU and non-EU country.
Mapwork - local area.
Art/DT Woodland art using natural materials
Christmas crafts
Clay sculptures (Christmas)
Artists- John Hayls and William Hogarth Flat Stanley biscuits
Famous landmarks around the world
Artists around the world
Create a castle
Design and make a shield
Artists- Claude Monet, Henry Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and Paul Klee Create an island
Real life drawing- flowers/plants
Using techniques from different artists
Using different materials- sea creatures
Artists- Vincent van Gogh and Kate Durdy
Computing An introduction to digital art
Exploring digital sound
Doodle Maths Purple mash coding
Making multimedia stories
Action algorithms
Doodle Maths Exploring machines we control
Programming direction
Doodle Maths
PE Basic skills- travelling, balancing- apparatus.
Dance- GFoL Gymnastics
Speed and agility, throwing and catching - circuits. Team and ball games- rounders, football, netball.
Music London’s Burning- Voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
Listen and concentrate during live music- Tudor music
Select and combine sounds- dimension of music. Charanga unit- In the groove & Round and round
Voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
Play tuned and un-tuned instruments- glockenspiel
Listen and concentrate during live music.
Select and combine sounds- dimension of music. Charanga unit- Your imagination
Sea shanties- voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
Play tuned and un-tuned instruments
Listen and concentrate during live music.
Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
PSHE Autumn 1 – New Beginnings
Autumn 2- Say no to bullying - Getting on and falling out Spring 1- Going for goals
Spring 2- Good to be me Summer 1 – Relationships
Summer 2 - Changes
RE Christianity in the UK
Christianity symbols
Class prayer
Christianity celebrations
Christmas Hinduism
Religious festivals including Chinese New Year, Holi and Easter.
Buddhism Islam - Eid
Commando Joe The Great Fire of London- escape route Castles- help the knight save the princess The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch- save Mr Grinling’s food from the seagulls!
In the Woods
London’s Burning!
Flat Stanley
The Seaside
Grace Darling
Features of a warning tale
Labels and captions
Descriptive language
Questioning and hot seating
Revolting rhymes - poetry
Descriptive language
Fact file
Elephant dance – poetry
Features of a losing tale
Post cards
Diary entry
Poetry –The Sea (John Foster)
Features of a journey tale
Descriptive language
Poetry – onomatopoeia, shape poem – flame
Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
Features of a rags to riches tale
Non-chronological report- castle fact file
Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
Features of a meeting tale
Newspaper report
Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
Addition and subtraction
Place Value (within 20)
Measurement: Time
Place Value (Within 50)
Multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Measurement: Length and Heights
Measurement: Weight and Volume
Measurement: Money
Weekly mental maths tests
Number: Fractions
Geometry: Position and direction
Measurement: money
Measurement: Time
Weekly mental maths tests
Seasonal changes
Observe changes
Ask simple questions
Seasonal changes
Asking/answering questions.
Seasonal changes
To explore events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally - The Great Fire of London.
Lives of significant individuals – William the Conqueror
Events beyond living memory – Medieval times
Lives of significant individuals- Grace Darling.
Local study- historical events, people and places- SS Stanley.
Geographical skills and fieldwork
Map work
Local area- school grounds
Countries and major cities
Map work – maps, atlases and compass
Vocabulary of physical features.
Compare an EU and non-EU country.
Mapwork - local area.
Christmas crafts
Clay sculptures (Christmas)
Artists- John Hayls and William Hogarth
Famous landmarks around the world
Artists around the world
Create a castle
Design and make a shield
Artists- Claude Monet, Henry Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and Paul Klee
Real life drawing- flowers/plants
Using techniques from different artists
Using different materials- sea creatures
Artists- Vincent van Gogh and Kate Durdy
Exploring digital sound
Doodle Maths
Making multimedia stories
Action algorithms
Doodle Maths
Programming direction
Doodle Maths
Dance- GFoL
Speed and agility, throwing and catching - circuits.
Listen and concentrate during live music- Tudor music
Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
Voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
Play tuned and un-tuned instruments- glockenspiel
Listen and concentrate during live music.
Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
Sea shanties- voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
Play tuned and un-tuned instruments
Listen and concentrate during live music.
Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
Autumn 2- Say no to bullying - Getting on and falling out
Spring 2- Good to be me
Summer 2 - Changes
Christianity symbols
Class prayer
Christianity celebrations
Religious festivals including Chinese New Year, Holi and Easter.