Curriculum Overview for Year 1

In the Woods
London’s Burning!
Flat Stanley
The Seaside
Grace Darling
EnglishLittle Red Riding Hood
 Features of a warning tale
 Labels and captions
 List
 Descriptive language
 Questioning and hot seating
 Revolting rhymes - poetry
Flat Stanley
 Recount
 Letters
 Instructions
 Descriptive language
 Fact file
 Elephant dance – poetry
The Lighthouse keeper’s lunch
 Features of a losing tale
 Post cards
 Instructions
 Diary entry
 Poetry –The Sea (John Foster)
EnglishToby and the Great Fire of London
 Features of a journey tale
 Descriptive language
 Poetry – onomatopoeia, shape poem – flame

Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
Sword in the Stone
 Features of a rags to riches tale
 Non-chronological report- castle fact file

Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
The Storm Whale
 Features of a meeting tale
 Newspaper report
 Biography

Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout. Reading and comprehension at beginning of topics.
MathematicsPlace Value (within 10)
Addition and subtraction
Place Value (within 20)
Measurement: Time
Addition and subtraction (Within 20)
Place Value (Within 50)
Multiples of 2, 5 and 10
Measurement: Length and Heights
Measurement: Weight and Volume
Measurement: Money
Weekly mental maths tests
Multiplication and division (reinforce multiples of 2, 5 and 10to be included)
Number: Fractions
Geometry: Position and direction
Measurement: money
Measurement: Time
Weekly mental maths tests
ScienceAnimals including humans- labelling parts of the human body, exploring the five senses (performing simple tests).Animals and habitats- identifying and classifying. Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Structure of common animals. Link to animals around the world.Plants- identifying parts of a plant, types of plants and growing (gathering and recording data to help answer questions).
ScienceMaterials- types, sorting, properties, grouping and applying materials -twisting and bending.
Seasonal changes
Working scientifically
Observe changes
Ask simple questions
Seasonal changes
Scientific enquiry and investigation- problem solving (STEM investigations)
Asking/answering questions.
Seasonal changes
 To explore events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally - The Great Fire of London.
 Lives of significant individuals – William the Conqueror
 Events beyond living memory – Medieval times
Victorian Era
 Lives of significant individuals- Grace Darling.
 Local study- historical events, people and places- SS Stanley.
Geography Locational knowledge
 Geographical skills and fieldwork
 Map work
 Local area- school grounds
 Countries and major cities
 Physical and human geography
 Map work – maps, atlases and compass
 Vocabulary of physical features.
 Place knowledge
 Compare an EU and non-EU country.
 Mapwork - local area.
Art/DT Woodland art using natural materials
 Christmas crafts
 Clay sculptures (Christmas)
 Sketching

Artists- John Hayls and William Hogarth
 Flat Stanley biscuits
 Famous landmarks around the world
 Artists around the world
 Kites
 Create a castle
 Design and make a shield

Artists- Claude Monet, Henry Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and Paul Klee
 Create an island
 Real life drawing- flowers/plants
 Using techniques from different artists
 Using different materials- sea creatures

Artists- Vincent van Gogh and Kate Durdy
Computing An introduction to digital art
 Exploring digital sound
 Doodle Maths
 Purple mash coding
 Making multimedia stories
 Action algorithms
 Doodle Maths
 Exploring machines we control
 Programming direction
 Doodle Maths
PE Basic skills- travelling, balancing- apparatus.
 Dance- GFoL
 Gymnastics
 Speed and agility, throwing and catching - circuits.
 Team and ball games- rounders, football, netball.
Music London’s Burning- Voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
 Listen and concentrate during live music- Tudor music
 Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
Charanga unit- In the groove & Round and round
 Voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
 Play tuned and un-tuned instruments- glockenspiel
 Listen and concentrate during live music.
 Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
Charanga unit- Your imagination
 Sea shanties- voices to express- singing, chants and rhymes.
 Play tuned and un-tuned instruments
 Listen and concentrate during live music.
 Select and combine sounds- dimension of music.
PSHE Autumn 1 – New Beginnings
 Autumn 2- Say no to bullying - Getting on and falling out
 Spring 1- Going for goals
 Spring 2- Good to be me
 Summer 1 – Relationships
 Summer 2 - Changes
RE Christianity in the UK
 Christianity symbols
 Class prayer
 Christianity celebrations
 Christmas
 Hinduism
 Religious festivals including Chinese New Year, Holi and Easter.
 Buddhism
 Islam - Eid

 Sikhism
Commando JoeThe Great Fire of London- escape routeCastles- help the knight save the princessThe Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch- save Mr Grinling’s food from the seagulls!