What does our 2YO hour provision look like at New York Primary School?
Children who attend our 2YO provision receive an enriched learning experience within our purpose built Early Years provision.
Through our home from home ethos, we help your child to:
- develop a love of books
- develop language and vocabulary through the use of small world play based on their own interests and fascinations.
- make marks and develop physical skills
A wealth of adult led and child initiated activities support and extend the children’s learning within a practical and exciting curriculum.
Children are given opportunities to develop their independence and self help skills. We encourage our children to use the toilet and support children as they show signs of being ready to toilet train.
Regular visits around the local environment allow children to talk about everyday objects and notice seasonal changes. Children will also visit the woodland to investigate, explore and learn about the world around them.
Children’s learning is recorded using learning journeys and use of our online Learning Journals via Seesaw. We have established partnerships with parents through the use of Seesaw and Twitter which allows parents to share the learning experiences of their children.
Children have the opportunity to develop their storytelling through Helicopter Stories and Talk 4 Writing approaches - using rhymes as a main focus.
We provide opportunities for parents to work alongside their children in regular activity sessions, these include craft mornings, welly waddles and reading sessions.
What is 2YO provision and who is it for?
Your 2-year-old can get free early education and childcare if you live in England and get one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Universal Credit - if you and your partner have a combined income from work of £15,400 or less a year, after tax
- tax credits and you have an income of £16,190 or less a year, before tax
- the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
- support through part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act
- the Working Tax Credit 4-week run on (the payment you get when you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
A child can also get free early education and childcare if any of the following apply:
- they’re looked after by a local council
- they have a current statement of special education needs (SEN) or an education, health and care (EHC) plan
- they get Disability Living Allowance
- they’ve left care under a special guardianship order, child arrangements order or adoption order
If you’re eligible the free early education and childcare:
- must be with an approved childcare provider
- starts from the term after your child’s 2nd birthday
If you have any further questions or would like additional information please contact the school office either in person or by calling 0191 8141788

Support for children aged 0-5
Your child's first 5 years are a very important time for their development. This is when special educational needs and disabilities are often identified for the first time. Getting the right support for you and your child at this time can make a real difference.