Curriculum Overview for Year 5

(It’s All Greek to Me)
(Hakuna Matata)
(Heads Down Lights Off)
English (Poetry to feature throughout the year)Myths and Legends
Theseus and the Minotaur/King Midas
● Narrative- Greek myth
● Non-chronological reports - Mythical beasts
● Playscript - King Midas
● Newspaper report - The Adventures of Odysseus
● Persuasive text - The Adventures of Odysseus
● Poetry - Kennings
● Poetry - Homer
Traditional Literature
The Journey to Jo’Burg
● Characterisation - Character description for Naledi
● News recount - Report on Grace’s story
● Diary - Tiro’s experiences
The Long Walk To Freedom
Letter to explain - Why i have been sent to prison (Nelson to his children)
● Biography - Nelson Mandela
Poetry - Mzwakhe Mbuli
Historical Fiction
Letters from the Lighthouse
● Persuasive text -Take an evacuee
● Instructions - How to make a gas mask
● Diary - Olive’s experiences
● Setting - The lighthouse
Poetry - Karl Shapiro
MathematicsStatutory programme of study -
Through our maths work, pupils will explore place value and use these skills to solve addition and subtraction problems. Pupils will work with geometry to look at the perimeter of a shape and then work with multiplication and division before looking at the area of a shape. Pupils will work with fractions, percentages and decimals.
Statutory programme of study - Through our maths work, pupils will develop their understanding of number and work with increasingly difficult calculation problems. Through our measurement work, children will be able to convert between units of measurement. Pupils will work with angles and learn to measure accurately.Statutory programme of study - Pupils will work more accurately
with multi step problems, building on their number knowledge and calculation skills. Pupils will develop their understanding of fractions, percentages and decimals and the relationships between these.
ScienceEarth and Space – Pupils will
work scientifically to explore our solar system, linking this to their work on Ancient Greeks. They will pose questions and research the answers. Children will explore day and night, explore the planets as spherical bodies and work with statistics in maths to order the diameter of the planets.
Properties of Materials - Properties of Materials Through scientific investigations, children will explore materials and their properties. They will classify materials and work scientifically to explore how different materials can be separated.
Working Scientifically will run throughout all topics.
through scientific observations, pupils will learn about how objects fall to the Earth because of gravity. Pupils will conduct investigations to identify the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction.
Working Scientifically will run throughout all topics.
Living things and their habitats - Pupils will explore the life cycle of different animals. They will observe caterpillars and butterflies in their own classroom, making predictions about their life cycle.
Animals, including humans - Pupils will explore the human body as it grows to old age, drawing on previous knowledge from earlier in the curriculum.
Working Scientifically will run throughout all topics.
HistoryAncient Greece – life achievements and influences on the Western World
● Theatre - Euripides, Aesychlus, Aristophanes
● Philosophy - Presocratics, Hippocratics and Sophists. Plato, Socrates, Archimedes, Pythagora
● Cleisthenes’ reforms and the foundation of democracy, parliament and free speech.
● War in Ancient Greece
○ Peloponnesian War
○ Spartans
○ Alexander the Great
● Daily life in Ancient Greece
● Impact of the Greeks on our lives
Africa and apartheid (black history)
● Life in South Africa - (Journey to Jo’burg)
● Slavery
● Nelson Mandela
● Rosa Parks
● (people who have made significant contributions to history)
WW2 - Local Area Study
How did life change for people in the North East during World War II?
Evacuation-visit to South Shields Museum/Beamish/That History Bloke
GeographyLocational knowledge UK focus -
Where is Greece? How does it compare to the UK?
Map work-
Drawing sketch maps
Physical and human Geography -
Trade/important and export
Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Climate including line graphs
Locational knowledge/Map work -
Identifying Africa the continent and its countries using an Atlas
Physical and Human Geography
Comparing habitats and climates including line graphs and bar charts
Flora and fauna of Africa
Human impact of the landscape (water and sanitation)
Locational knowledge UK Focus Map work –
countries at war and reasons for invasion
Physical and Human Geography -
Local Fieldwork - local damage and growth following the war
UK population and baby boom
Art/DTDesign and Sculpture
Greek pots (2D/3D ceramic) design and content-collecting ideas from life
Sketching techniques
Tone and shade
Drawing a Mythical beast (final piece)
Artist study: Caravaggio (painting of Medusa)
Painting techniques
Timbavati sunrise (silhouette)
Water colour wash
Design and Revisit ideas
Colour and pattern in african art
Create a final piece using pattern, inspired by Bisa Butler
Artist study: Bisa Butler (pattern in portraits)
Great Artists
Cookery and Nutrition
Wartime information posters
Sewing (range of stitches) - Make do and Mend.
MFLSimple questions and sentences (about me) - recapping Year 4 learning
● Colours
● Family
● Pets
● Numbers focus in preparation for;

Telling the Time
Food and Cafe
Directions and Shopping
All about me
Final presentations
ComputingCoding retro games- Pacman
Google- Theseus and the Minotaur maze game
Purple Mash - Ancient Greek research
● Reading Plus
● Doodle Maths
● Spelling Shed
Controlling devices- Flowol
Internet research and web page design
What is a computer?
Raspberry Pi
PEQuick Sticks
Tag rugby
Commando JoeYear 5 Focus - Tim Peake Missions
Spacesuit design
Food Drop
Year 5 Focus - Tim Peake Missions
Communication via satellite phone
Rock Sample Collection
Year 5 Focus - Tim Peake Missions
Lost in Space
Land safely on Planet Earth
● To understand the basic principles of Christianity.
● To understand about Saints and their role in the Christian religion.
● To understand what the bible is for.
● To understand about the old and new testament.

● To understand the role of ministers within the Christian church.
● To reflect on the lifestyle of a Christian family.
● To understand the different celebrations and rituals of the time of year.
● Include Judaism in celebrations.
What can you learn from a hindu artefact?
Investigation – : • Asking relevant questions • Knowing how to gather information from a variety of sources • Knowing what may constitute evidence for justifying beliefs in religion
Interpretation – : • Drawing meaning from artefacts, works of art, music, poetry and symbolism • Interpreting religious language • Suggesting meanings of religious texts
● To understand the basic principles and practices of Buddhism.
● Meditation and practice
● Symbols and meanings

We will also discuss and acknowledge:
● Chinese New Year - January
● Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday - February
● Holi - March
● To understand the basic principles and practices of Islam.
● To reflect on the lifestyle of a family - Parent visit. Comparison, analysis and reflection.

● To understand the basic principles of Sikhism.

● Symbols and meaning

● To understand the life of Guru Nanak. Reflect and retell (book/acting).
PHSE & SEALOnline Safety - cyber bullying and careful and considerate use of social media Online safety week
NSPCC workshop
RNLI assembly
New beginnings - new year, new teacher
Say No to Bullying - Anti Bullying week pledge
Getting on and Falling Out - Friendships
Going for Goals - Future plans/my money
Good to be me - individuality and uniqueness
Relationships – incl SRE
Drugs and Alcohol medicine, legal highs/addictive substances
MusicPlaying a tuned instrument (Recorder) - including notation (notes A-G and rests)
Ensemble choral work (Preparation for Christmas Performance inc. harmonies)
Appreciation and History - BBC Ten Pieces. Looking at the work of Florence Price and creating work inspired by her music.
Percussion and untuned instrument
An investigation into African Drumming.
Playing a tuned instrument (Recorder- including notation (to read a simple piece of music and play on the recorder). Ensemble work and final performance.