Letter to Parents and Carers: 19th July 2022

19th July 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for supporting New York Primary School with an excellent first full year return after the disruptions of COVID. Staff in school have loved being back in the building for full quality teaching and learning and providing the many opportunities that your children embrace.

Now that SATS results are published I am proud to inform you that both our KS1 and KS2 results are above national results in Reading, Writing and Maths and also in GPaS for KS2. The % of greater depth attainment is significantly above national results in all areas.

In KS1 we were moderated by the Local Authority for KS1 results. This is a rigorous process where 2
moderation staff examine our pupil books, data, teacher assessment and interview teachers at length. In their feedback the moderators were highly complimentary of our systems, our quality of evidence and how well we know our pupils. They agreed with all judgements securely.

Our EYFS data is in line with national results which is a remarkable achievement given so much vital lost early learning due to COVID.

Please note the the 2023 KS2 SATS (Year 6) will take place w/c 8th May 2023

You may be aware that from September 2022 there are national changes to attendance and punctuality protocols. It is a fact that the pupils with the highest attendance rates have the highest attainment rates. Our banners outside school remind parents of the impact of absence and staff are more than happy to speak with parents about this topic. I will provide more information when I have clarity regarding the Local Authority procedures from September.

Newsletters throughout the year have provided families with information about just how much goes on in school. These will continue next year but in addition to this information that parents receive, can I remind you that following us on Twitter is also a great way to find out what your child has been learning and taking part in and also we tweet reminders of dates, events and timings etc. Please follow us on @Newyorkprimary We also have a live and informative school website newyorkprimaryschool.org

Teaching staff also make good use of emailing parents and we will be transferring email accounts across to new year groups ready for September. We will also provide you with new email addresses for your child’s new teacher.This combination of communication options provides a thorough approach for communication between school and our families. In addition we are always happy to take a phone call or speak to parents in person should you require it.

At this time of year there are often changes to staffing. You have been notified of your child’s class teacher for next year and will be aware that some teachers have moved year groups. We would like to welcome 3 new teachers into school from September.

  • Mrs E Duckworth – Year 5. Mrs Duckworth is an experienced teacher who has recently moved back to the North East from London where she worked in a primary school for a number of years.
    Mr D Coxon – Year 4. Mr Coxon joins us from the outstanding NEP SCITT programme. He completed his second placement at New York and has worked in school recently to spend time with his class.
    ● Mr Hadfield – Year 3. Mr Hadfield also joins us from the successful NEP SCITT programme. He has spent a number of days in school recently so he can get to know New York and his pupils for next year.

New teachers have been placed in year groups alongside experienced teachers in school and I am confident that they will all be an asset to New York.

New staff in school is always a positive and the moving on of existing staff is also a positive. At New York we ensure that staff are presented with opportunities to grow and develop, take on new challenges and new opportunities. Two staff that are doing just that are Mrs Prince and Mrs Marshall. Mrs Prince has been at New York for 4 years teaching in KS1. Mrs Marshall has been at New York for 9 years as Deputy Head and teacher in Year 6 and Year 5. I would like to thank them both for their excellent contribution to school and the development of pupils and I wish them both every success in their future ventures.

It just remains for me to thank all New York staff for their dedication to the development of all our pupils this year. It has been a successful year and New York staff are an exceptional team.

Please note that in line with government requirements we need to extend our school day by 10 minutes per day. Although this is not statutory until September 2023 we have decided to implement it from September 2022. With the exception of Nursery and 2 Year Offer, the school day for all other year groups will be 9.00am – 3.30pm. This also means that school clubs will run from 3.30pm – 4.30pm

I once again thank all our families for their support and positive contribution across the year.

On behalf of all at New York Primary School I wish you a happy, safe and fabulous summer holiday and we look forward to welcoming you all back at our new start times on Tuesday 6th September 2022.


Mrs J Shaw