Curriculum Overview for Year 6

(Japan 8 weeks, Egypt 7 weeks)
WW2 in Europe & the Battle of Britain
(12 weeks)
(12 weeks)
EnglishText: Kensuke’s Kingdom
Writing genres
● Balanced argument (3 weeks)
● Diary entries (2 weeks)
● Poetry (1 week)
● Informal letter (2 weeks)

Text: Egypt Secrets of a Sun King
Writing genres
● Newspaper report (2 weeks)
● Non-chronological report (2 weeks)
● Descriptive narrative (1 week)
● Poetry (1 week)

Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout.
Text: The Machine Gunners / Battle of Britain
Writing genres
● Poetry (2 weeks)
● Newspaper Report (2 weeks)
● Information text (2 week)

Spring 2
Text: Fireweed
Writing genres
● Recount (2 weeks)
● Instructions (2 weeks)
● Descriptive narrative (2 weeks)

Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout.
Text: Street Child
Writing genres
● Biography (2 weeks)
● Persuasive (2 weeks)
● Narrative (1 week)
● Poetry (1 week)

Text: Cogheart
Writing genres
● Explanation text (2 weeks)
● Newspaper report (2 weeks)
● Narrative (2 weeks)
● Poetry (1 week)

Spelling, punctuation and grammar taught throughout.
MathematicsStatutory programme of study
● Place value 2 weeks

Monday – number
Tuesday – measurement
Wednesday - geometry
Thursday - number including fractions
Arithmetic paper every Friday
SAT revision each term
Statutory programme of study including calculations, measurement, handling data and understanding shape.
practice and develop their knowledge of times tables facts and number bonds,
Problem solving and reasoning activities
Arithmetic paper every Friday
SAT revision each term
Statutory programme of study and the following investigations:
● Maths board games
● Theme Park investigation
● Woodland maths
● Sports Day timing investigation
● Recipes measure, ratio, proportion.
● Converting units of measure

SAT revision summer 1
Science● Evolution and inheritance
● Animals including humans
● Living Things and Their Habitats
● Light
● Electricity
● STEM / Revision
HistoryAncient Civilizations – Ancient Egypt
An overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared
● Place the Ancient Egyptians on a timeline of other ancient civilisations and British history.
● Establish what society was like in Britain in 3000 BE during the Ancient Egypt civilisations.
● Label a map of Ancient Egypt and its surroundings.
● Describe the end of the Ancient Egyptian civilisation.
● Research facts about Alexander the Great and Cleopatra.
Extended Chronological study
A significant turning point in British history.
● Research the events leading up to and involved in the D-Day landings.
● Understand the role of the French Resistance.
● Research the role of women in the Resistance (Nancy Wake)
● Invention of the radar
● Timeline of flight and the different aircraft used by the British RAF and the German Luftwaffe
● Look at historical artefacts from WW2.
Period of British history – The Victorians
● Locate the Victorians on a timeline
● Consider how Victorian inventions changed how we live
● Understanding what life was like in the workhouse
● Investigate schooling in the Victorian period
● Experience what a Victorian education may have been like
● Exploring Queen Victoria’s family tree
● Explain how the lives of poor Victorians were improved
● Research the scientific developments made in Victorian times
Locational knowledge:
Kensuke’s Kingdom
World countries
Cities of the UK
Position and significance of latitude, longitude and time zones
Physical and human geography:
Identifying key geographical features
Place knowledge
Geographical similarities and differences through the study of a region in the UK and Japan
Use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
Use the 8 points of a compass
Human and Physical:
describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links
Place knowledge:
Comparing the EU to a north American country
Locational knowledge:
locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe
Use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs, and digital technologies.
Human and physical:
describe and understand key aspects of human geography, including: types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links
Use the 8 points of a compass
● Origami
● History of the Japanese Lantern
● Study of Hokusai
● Technical drawing
● Japanese kite creation

● Desert landscapes (sketching)
● Desert landscapes (shading)
● Ensure products have high quality finish: digital imagery
Use research and develop design criteria to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose.
Contribute to a memory wall and decorate a memory box with vintage scraps and brown paper
To explore a range of artistic materials
Design with user in mind: memory wall and memory box
Wooden toys
Explore different design materials
Study of an artist (William Morris)
Research work and recreate
Develop a range of practical skills in cutting, drilling, screwing and nailing.
MFLLet’s visit a French town:
Developing speaking and listening skills in topic areas such as places in a town, directions, homes and numbers, names of French places
Let’s go shopping:
Further developing speaking and listening as well as written French work.
Using the nuances of colour to describe clothes and using prepositional language.
All in a day:
Telling the time using o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to and 5 minute intervals.
How to use 24 hour time and AM/PM
ComputingManipulating images
Photo editing
Spelling Shed
Reading Plus
Doodle Maths
Online safety -
Online bullying and online relationships
Inside the internet
Understanding a typical school network
Design and write programs
Word processing
Doodle Maths
Reading Plus
Online safety -
online reputation and self image and identity
Video editing
Editing videos
Sonic Pi
Creating music with a computer
Online safety -
managing online information and health well-being and lifestyle
PEAutumn 1
Health Related Fitness
Invasion game (Hockey)
Autumn 2
Invasion game (netball/basketball)
Spring 1
Striking/fielding skills (Cricket)
Spring 2
Net/wall game (Badminton)
Summer 1
Invasion game (Rugby)
Summer 2
Striking/fielding (Rounders)
● Meaning of religions
● Why people turn to religion
● Christian stories from New and Old testament
● People’s perspectives and impressions of Jesus
● The influence of faith on believers

● Religious festivals
● Divali
● Fundamental values
● Rosh Hashanah
● The influence of faith on believers

Religious festivals –
Chinese new year
Shrove Tuesday and ash Wednesday (Easter)
● The importance of worship
● Holi

Visit to Buddhist Temple
● The Five Pillars
● Eid
● The Qur’an

Parental links
● Life of Guru Nanak
● Sikh artefacts
● Sikh creation stories
● Gurdwara
PHSE & SEALRelationships – Including SRE
New beginnings – Safety Education(First Aid) and Child Protection
Commando Joe focus - Nellie Bly
Say no to bullying - Anti-bullying Education
Getting on and falling out - Citizenship (Difference and Diversity)
Going for goals – Drugs education and careers
Commando Joe focus- Amelia Earhart
Changes – stereotypes and gaining support and help - accessing information
Good to be me - Emotional Health and Well-being
Healthy Eating
Commando Joe focus - Ibn Battuta
MusicCharanga unit of work:
Autumn 1 – I’ll be there
Listen with attention and detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory
Autumn 2 – Classroom Jazz 2
Play and perform in an ensemble and solo
Christmas Production
Harvest festival
Charanga unit of work:
Spring 1 – A New Year Carol
Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes
Spring 2 – Happy
Appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality live music from different traditions
Easter assembly
Charanga unit of work:
Summer 1 – You’ve Got a Friend
Use and understand staff and other musical notation
Summer 2 – Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts
Leavers assembly