Curriculum Overview for Year 2

Arctic Great Fire of London
Roald Dahl
EnglishDiary Entry
Diary of an Arctic Explorer
Non-Chronological Report (Science link)
How polar bears are adapted to their habitats.
Inuit poetry.
Writing a senses poem.
Character Description
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Finding Story
Kassim and the Greedy Dragon
Non-Chronological Report
SATS Dragons booklets
Recount of the Great Fire of Newcastle
Journey Story
Adaptation of Toby and the Great Fire of London
Warning Story
The Twits
Florence Nightingale writing home
Rags to Riches Story
Oliver Twist
MathematicsPlace Value
Addition and Subtraction
Multiplication and Division Statistics Properties of ShapePosition and Direction Problem Solving and Efficient Methods Measurement: Time
MathematicsMeasurement: Money
Multiplication and Division
Fractions Measurement: Length and Height SATS PracticeMeasurement: Mass, Capacity and Temperature
ScienceLiving Things and their Habitats
Children will look at animals in the Arctic and how they have adapted to their environment. Comparisons will be made between them and other animals.
Working Scientifically Children will conduct a variety of experiments based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.Everyday Materials
Children will test different materials to see if they would be suitable for houses to withstand a dragon attack.
ScienceAnimals Including Humans
Children will learn about the needs of different animals and humans. Comparisons will be made between types of diet and exercise today and in the past.
Working Scientifically Children will conduct a variety of experiments based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.Plants
Children will plant and nurture their own plants. Comparisons will be made between plants in different environments.
HistoryVictorian Era
Great Fire of Newcastle
Children will learn about a significant historical event within their own locality.
1939 - 1945 - WW2
Roald Dahl
Children will learn about changes within living memory using Roald Dahl to reveal aspects of change in national life.
Victorian Era
Children will learn about the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.
- Queen Victoria
- Florence Nightingale
GeographyLocational knowledge
As part of our Arctic Explorers topic, we will first explore the four countries of the United Kingdom and then explore the Arctic – making comparisons between all of the above.
Place knowledge
Roald Dahl
As part of our Roald Dahl topic, we will fly in his fighter plane to visit and compare different continents and oceans of the world
Geographical skills and fieldwork
As part of our Dragons topic, we will consider the world from the perspective of a dragon. We will use geographical vocabulary, learn how to use compass points and use aerial photographs and maps to create our own maps.
Art - look at art from different cultures (Inuit) and create an image of the Arctic using textiles and collage. DT – Look at ships built to explore the Arctic – create and evaluate a model boat.
Great Fire of Newcastle Working with Colour – primary and secondary colours.
Quentin Blake - Children will look at the illustrations of Quentin Blake. They will draw characters from their descriptions and will create their own characters and illustrations.
Cards - Children will create and evaluate a range of different pop-up cards.
Dragons Building and evaluating dragon houses.
Victorians Children will learn about William Morris and his fame during the Victorian period.
Children will design their own wallpaper using printing and marbling techniques.
ComputingInternet Safety
Writing in different styles
Finding and presenting information
Internet Safety
- Safer Internet Day, 11th February

An Introduction to Animation
Programming with LOGO
Programming with Scratch Junior
PEGymnastics – Balance and Jump Fitness CircuitsDance FootballOrienteering Athletics - Jumping
PEGymnastics – Roll and Travel Team Games – Attacking and DefendingDance Athletics - Throwing and CatchingOrienteering Athletics - Running
MusicListening to and evaluating music.
Use voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes (Christmas Performance).
Play tuned and untuned musical instruments.
Use voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes (Easter Performance).
Experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music
PHSEAutumn 1: Emotional Health and Well-being
Autumn 2: Safety Education and Anti-bullying Education
Spring 1: Child Protection and Drugs Education.
Spring 2: Citizenship
Summer 1: Relationships
Summer 2: SRE
REChristianity – Places of WorshipHinduism
Religious festivals including Chinese New Year, Holi and Easter.
Islam - Eid
REChristianity - FestivalsBuddhismSikhism